Friday, November 27, 2015

Insert Dates Automatically In Documents

 Luckily, there is an easy way to insert a field into your Word document that will give you an automatic date update every time that you open the document. First, of course, open your document. Next, click in your document where you’d like the date. Then click the INSERT tab on your tools ribbon.
Find DATE AND TIME and click it.
This opens the date and time dialog box. On the left, click the format in which you want the date. Once you’ve selected this, click the UPDATE AUTOMATICALLY tic box.
Click OK, and once you save your document, you’ll have a date there that updates every time you open the document.
As a bonus, here’s how to do the same thing in an Excel spreadsheet.
Open your spreadsheet, choose the cell where you want the date and enter the formula =TODAY(). This will give you a cell with the current date that updates every time you open the spreadheet!
I hope that this helps.