Saturday, October 17, 2015

Windows 8/10 Compatibility Mode

This mode allows some programs that were designed for earlier versions of Windows to run on newer versions. Here’s how to run compatibility mode. I’m using the icon for my Plex Media Server for my examples… you, of course, would use the icon for Everquest. The version of compatibility mode that I’ll be demonstrating here is for 8 and 10.
First, right-click on the icon (or the listing for the .exe file in the directory), then click TROUBLESHOOT COMPATIBILITY.
Windows will take a minute or so looking at the compatibility of your program.
When it’s done with that, you’ll get two options… TRY RECOMMENDED SETTINGS and TROUBLESHOOT PROGRAM. The first option will just apply whatever settings Windows thinks is best, and then give you the option to test the program. For you, since you know what’s going on with Everquest, I would recommend clicking the second option. When you do, you’ll get a new set of options.
For your issue, you’ll want to click the first, THE PROGRAM WORKED IN EARLIER VERSIONS OF WINDOWS BUT WON’T INSTALL OR RUN NOW, and then click next. Then you’ll get a list of the previous versions of Windows that compatibility mode works with, including an “I don’t know” option, which strikes me as a little strange. After all, you’re telling Windows that you know that the program worked before, but you don’t know which version it worked on? Anyhow, you will choose the Windows 7 option, and then click next.
Now you’ll get the option to test the program. Once you have tested it, pass or fail, click next and you’ll get a screen that gives you some “what’s next” options.
If all is well, and you’re happily mmo-ing again, click the first option. If not, you can click either of the other two, but frankly if compatibility mode doesn’t work for you with a program like Everquest, you’ll probably either have to wait for them to release an update or continue using a Windows 7 PC to play.