Monday, October 19, 2015

Word Processor For Windows 10

There is a great little word processing program included withe Windows 10, called WordPad. For many people, it will meet all of their word processing needs.
To find it, just search WordPad in the search box.
Or look in All Apps under Windows Accessories.
You could also consider heading over to Set up a free Microsoft e-mail address and you’ll have access to the online app versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Not to mention free cloud storage on OneDrive.
You could also download the excellent, free LibreOffice suite. I think you’ll find that LibreOffice Writer is more than up to the task of handing your documents.
If you have a Google account, there’s also the option of using Google Docs. Though, of all the option, that is probably my least favorite.
One of these choices should fit the bill.